
Record, cassette and 8-track transfers to Digital/CD.

Call or Text: 1-864-228-0761


Projector lamp burned out? Tired of pulling out the old screen to watch a film. Worried your film might become destroyed when trying to run it through a projector? We can transfer your film to Digital or DVD so you can easily watch it on your computer or TV. We also provide original captured files at no extra charge (client must provide hard drive).




VHS, VHS-C, 8mm, Mini-DV and Betamax transfers to Digital/DVD.

Serving the Upstate and all of south Carolina since 2002

Have you forgotten about those old videos from the 80s and 90s? Unable to watch those old videos because you don't have a camera to hook up to your TV anymore? We use high quality machines to transfer your video to high quality DVD.

VIDEO to DiGital/DVD


We are here to help you with all of your video and audio needs. All of our work is performed on site, we NEVER send your valuable videos or films to someone else to transfer. We also specialize in capturing live events to video in a cost effective way. Check out our Services page to view prices - we are open and up front about all costs!


production Services


We can stream your next live event.

Bianchi Video Productions

Multi-cam Events

We can provide 1 to 8 HD cameras to capture your event.